The Lesson Of Surrendering

As the saying goes, “most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a day and underestimate what they can accomplish in a year.” We are so hyper aware of our day to day schedules that we miss the major lessons that we learn, process and integrate throughout the months and years. It’s important to step back and take time to reflect on where we have grown, where we need to improve and what lessons we’ve been integrating. This year I’ve been continuing to learn the lesson of surrender. Of loosening the tight grip of control. Of trusting and allowing people, circumstances and situations to be as they are. Releasing the resistance to “what is” that creates tension in our bodies, our minds and our lives.

I’ve learned perspective is everything and we always have the opportunity to change the way we view a situation. We have the power to change our thoughts and energy, whenever we please. The ego will tell you to hold on but once you release and allow yourself to start again, your heart will find relief. I’ve learned to always put myself in others' shoes but know when to place boundaries and prioritize my needs. Because I cannot be there for others if I myself am depleted. I’ve learned that we can always start again. That we are truly our greatest teacher and healer. If we listen closely to what our fears, anxieties or frustrations are trying to tell us, we can alchemize them and expand beyond what we could have imagined.
I’ve learned we are all too damn hard on ourselves. (Speaking with friends, I couldn’t believe the pressure they are putting on themselves. When I realized I do the same). It’s time to love ourselves deeper. Speak kind words to yourself, create moments of joy in your day, release the tension in your shoulders, take a deep breath. It's all good.
I’ve learned that each of us are infinitely expansive. Keep learning, reading, exploring, creating. Don’t be afraid of your dreams. Go after them. Step by step. Day by day. But rest when you need to. You have so much magic to give to this world. But just your beingness, is what draws others to you. So don’t attach your identity to your accomplishments. Instead, how do you treat others? Are you respectful of people’s time and energy? Are you a good friend? Are you kind to yourself? Do you live in gratitude for the simple breath in your lungs? Did you look up at the sky or stare into nature today?
It’s exciting to “do.” But make sure you are enjoying the exquisite nature of being.
Anyways, that’s where I’ve been. Where have you been?

Kanekshun Sound Healing Session
I had a beautiful sound healing session with Sabrina here. Sound healing is a powerful way to turn down the volume of our minds and tune back into our bodies. I recommend it to anyone looking for some nurturing healing.
The Daily Rest
I deeply resonate with Emmie Rae’s philosophy when it comes to slow living and rest. Her instagram is a beautiful reminder of this message that we need to hear. I’ve also loved her daily rest studio where she offers grounding meditations and workshops to get you into your yin energy.
Pai Century Flower Face Mist
I’ve adored using this gentle hydrating toner. The mist is so fine that it feels like a refreshing hug for my skin. This has helped calm down redness and inflammation and love using it in the mornings to awaken my skin.
Cosmic Dealer Cinnamon Incense
I found this brand on a trip to Paris. This parisian brand’s mission is to modernize ancient Ayurvedic rituals. I adore their incense, teas and chocolates. This month, I’ve been obsessed with burning their cinnamon incense. It immediately makes my home feel so cozy.