Why we’re taking a stand against toxins at Sana.

At Sana, we believe skincare should be results driven without compromising your health and wellbeing. Our mission is to shift people’s relationship with their skin and their products. We stand against toxins and support passionate founders that put your health first and are transparent about what’s in their formulas (something that’s not required by the law in the United States.)
Due to outdated legislation from 1938, companies are essentially allowed to put nearly any chemical into personal-care products (skincare, makeup, haircare, bodycare ect.) sold in the US, even known carcinogens, without any sort of safety testing and without having to disclose all the chemicals on the labels. In fact, over 80% of chemicals in personal care products have never been tested for safety. While the E.U has banned over 1300 chemicals from personal care products, the US has only banned 11. What’s worse is that companies are allowed to market their products as “Organic” or “All Natural” even if it’s false. This tactic is called “Green Washing” and is used by many major corporations.
Each day, the average American woman uses over 15 personal-care products containing more than one hundred chemicals that we ingest, inhale and absorb through our skin. Overtime, low doses of these chemicals can contribute to hormonal imbalances, infertility, learning disabilities, birth defects and disease.
Just as we have learned to read the back of a label at a grocery store, we must learn to read the labels of our personal care products. The good news is that innovative companies are standing against toxins and creating better formulas founded on the principles of “Green Chemistry”, which is the science of designing chemicals in ways that avoid hazardous substances and effects.
At Sana, we’re setting new standards for the industry and curating the best of clean skincare. Clean for us means non-toxic. Meaning no products on our shelves contain chemicals linked to hormone disruption, skin irritations or cancer.
We don’t believe in perfection, but by taking small steps and supporting companies that are doing good, we can start voting with our wallets so one day we won’t have to wonder what’s hiding in our face cream.
Health is a vibe. Are you with us?
qrscwwaqtg — March 13 2021
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